A second-iteration product designed to store and play encrypted movies for users in remote locations.
Movie Player for Government Client (Proprietary)
Movie Player for Government Client (Proprietary)
Product Design
Product Design
A second-iteration product designed to store and play encrypted movies for users in remote locations.

Services Provided
User Testing
Digital Prototype
TV UI Design
Hardware Design (SD Player, Remote Control)
Project Overview
To effectively upgrade the first generation version of this product, several key changes needed to be made.
An entirely new interface for TV viewing needed to be designed and developed because the prior version had none (VHS-esque functionality). In addition, there were very specific use cases that took intricate planning to work around.
-The SD player is housed out of sight from the monitor it is connected to. A user must be able to have close to full functional capability through operating just the SD player itself.
-It was requested that there be a playlist feature for movies. These would play in sequence, one after the other.
-Movies stored on the SD cards have an expiration date. Only 64 movies can be stored on an SD card and the player has limited memory. The users receive a new SD card every month. This meant creating an avenue for clearing memory to allow for newer movies to be stored.
To effectively upgrade the first generation version of this product, several key changes needed to be made.
An entirely new interface for TV viewing needed to be designed and developed because the prior version had none (VHS-esque functionality). In addition, there were very specific use cases that took intricate planning to work around.
-The SD player is housed out of sight from the monitor it is connected to. A user must be able to have close to full functional capability through operating just the SD player itself.
-It was requested that there be a playlist feature for movies. These would play in sequence, one after the other.
-Movies stored on the SD cards have an expiration date. Only 64 movies can be stored on an SD card and the player has limited memory. The users receive a new SD card every month. This meant creating an avenue for clearing memory to allow for newer movies to be stored.
User Flow
Constructed to map out all navigation and interaction that the user can have within the movie player interface. The complexity increased with the incorporation of hardware elements required for functionality.

High-Fidelity Prototype
Designed to preview and validate with the client. Feedback from this as well as internally lead to further iterations.

Remote Design
As important as the TV interface and hardware design, the remote must accommodate all core functions. The idea behind it’s design was inspired by other prominent counterparts like the Firestick and apple TV remote. It needed to be simple and intuitive for a new user to pick up and operate.
High-Fidelity Prototype
Designed to preview and validate with the client. Feedback from this as well as internally lead to further iterations.

User Testing
Utilizing a combination of hardware and software prototypes to test how a user will approach a number of specified tasks.
Remote Design
As important as the TV interface and hardware design, the remote must accommodate all core functions. The idea behind it’s design was inspired by other prominent counterparts like the Firestick and apple TV remote. It needed to be simple and intuitive for a new user to pick up and operate.

Final Design
Through a continuous process of iteration, fueled by valuable feedback and hindered by development constraints, a final design emerged as the optimal solution, resulting from the collaborative efforts between myself and the engineering team.
User Testing
Utilizing a combination of hardware and software prototypes to test how a user will approach a number of specified tasks.

Final Design
Through a continuous process of iteration, fueled by valuable feedback and hindered by development constraints, a final design emerged as the optimal solution, resulting from the collaborative efforts between myself and the engineering team.

© 2024 Scott Grissen
© 2024 Scott Grissen
© 2024 Scott Grissen
© 2024 Scott Grissen

Course 1

Course 2

Course 3



Create interactive mockups
User testing
Create interactive mockups
Create interactive mockups

Course 1

Course 2

Course 3



Create interactive mockups
User testing
Create interactive mockups
Create interactive mockups

Course 1

Course 2

Course 3



Create interactive mockups
User testing
Create interactive mockups
Create interactive mockups